Scratch Project Ideas


  1. Move a sprite around the screen (change speed, direction, sprite, hit edge)
  2. Dance (multiple sprites, music, background, speak, think, bounce)
  3. Seasonal card (Interactive)
  4. Animation of a story (change backgrounds, broadcast)
  5. Etch a Sketch
  6. Paint program
  7. Maze 1 (sprite follows mouse)
  8. Maze 2 (sprite moves with arrow key/ several lives)
  9. Or Car race (extension 2 cars
  10. Fish (shark eats small fish, gets larger, score)
  11. Virtual Music instrument


  1. Ghosts (ghosts moving around the screen, lose if hit by a ghost)
  2. Avoidance (random objects float around the screen. Lose if sprite is hit 30 times in 30 seconds, counter, counter down timer)
  3. Pong
  4. Basket Catching Game (Random, score)
  5. Shoot the balloons
  6. Sprite Adventure Game (sprite controlled using keyboard, game must have enemies, ways to lose and an objective)
  7. Guess my number
  8. Advanced Platform game (Mario type)
  9. Advanced Asteroids
  10. Advanced Shooter game

Project types:


